For the Birds
It is no secret that one of Nome’s biggest sources of revenue is the birding business. Yet, we hardly even know it is here. Birders are like guests who are “no trouble.” They are early to bed, and early to rise and make hotel and breakfast owners wealthy and wise.
But wait, let’s share the wealth. Here we sit on top of one of the world’s busiest fly ways. The birds are here. We are here. What’s keeping us from the biggest, happiest, bird viewing station on the West Coast? All we need is a couple good bird book (Sibley and Birds of Alaska ) and a set of half-way decent ( 8x36x7”) binoculars and we will be set to go.
All we need is quiet on the Western Front and we will be able to communicate with the friends of the gorgeous red-poll, royal white crowned sparrow, and the illusive white wag-tail and the elegant bristle-thighed curlew. Tweet dreams. —N.L.M.—