Funding the Future
Why does our legislature act like a bunch of ignorant fools who think it is good to pass legislation to allow guns on campus? A loaded question. We can go off half-cocked allowing guns in the classroom, but why worry about guns when we can’t even fund the classroom? We have bold legislation about guns, but ignorant action on college funding.
We commend students who continue their education and are quite proud of their endeavors. Yet, we let our legislators dither over educational funds. We watch while they justify spending our money on buying a new office building in Anchorage, yet we sit on our thumbs while our legislators sever the financial lifeblood of our educational institutions. Our budget woes are real. We eventually will need an income tax but are too timid to face that reality. We have already pared our educational institutions to the bare bones.
The cuts are real and close to home. However one thing we must do is to strive to maintain funding to all of our schools, especially our institutions of higher learning. An educated Alaskan is our answer to a successful future for all of us. —N.L.M.—