New caretakers

The Nome Nugget has new caretakers.
The ownership of Alaska’s oldest newspaper recently changed hands from the Estate of Nancy L. McGuire to longtime employees, my husband Nils Hahn and me, Diana Haecker.
Nancy McGuire owned, published and edited The Nome Nugget for 34 years. Her first editorial in the January 7, 1982 edition of the Nugget began with the words that “it is with great pride and an overwhelming sense of responsibility that I assume the duties of editor and publisher of Alaska’s oldest newspaper.”
I feel the same way today.
I also realize that we are only one link in a chain of several stewards who carried the torch of The Nome Nugget, an independent and family-owned newspaper from the early days of Nome to the present.
Nothing much will change.
We continue to be committed to unbiased and truthful reporting. Nome is fortunate to have its own newspaper, with its own reporters. Most community newspapers are now owned by big companies that forgot about the importance of local news reporting. Not us. We are local and report what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. We are committed to serve Nome and the region with relevant news may it be federal politics and decisions affecting us here, local news from the city and its commissions, as well as regional news.
We are not afraid to express opinions on the opinion page and encourage readers to submit their opinions in form of the letters to the editor. We are the free press.
Most of all, we are committed to the most basic principles of journalism: to find the truth and report on it. It may be uncomfortable sometimes, but we are not in the business of judging and will continue to put out the facts as we find them.  
In this day and age it is ever more important to have a trusted source that separates facts from fiction. The Nugget strives to be that source for our readers. —D.H.—

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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