Run for office
Why not run for office? Why are we afraid to run for public office? We have experienced far too many single-choice elections.
We need Nomeites to get involved with on-the-spot politics because it is important for us to share our opinions and say what is on our minds. It is important that we refuse to allow items that we don’t wish to happen to influence our lives. It is important that we speak up for things that we want to have happen to get accomplished.
Why are we so reluctant to share the spotlight? Is it because we don’t want to have our name in the news for fear of saying something stupid? Well, when has that ever stopped anyone? Are we afraid of Facebook?
Is it we are afraid to have stopped folks? Is it because we are afraid due to the fact that certain families are “in power?” Is it because the folks who hold power are powerful?
Is it because we are afraid of being seen in public and only repeat things in the privacy of our own homes?
Let’s get over it. We want to have a choice. Let’s find a neighbor or our own selves and put together a plan and sign up before the deadline, which is upon us. We need to have a list of issues. What is our plan of battle?
Let’s get involved and get going. Politics can be exciting and fun. Let’s throw our hats in the ring.