The Spirit of Volunteerism
Volunteerism is alive and well in Nome. The men and women who make themselves available to help fellow Nomeites in distress are to be thanked. It takes a special person to drop what they’re doing and take on the role of firefighter, search and rescue volunteer or emergency medical volunteer.
Theses volunteers are a brotherhood of volunteers who willingly ride out into the tundra to find a missing person. It takes a special person to run to the ambulance and administer aid to a neighbor in distress. It takes a special person to jump out of a warm bed and into firefighting boots in the blustery Nome night to put out a fire. We are fortunate to have men and women who have devoted their time to helping others. We have many volunteer firefighters, emergency medical personnel, and search and rescue volunteers who have devoted years to extra training and preparedness to make themselves more proficient at their task. The Nome volunteers do not only serve the community of Nome, they never hesitate to help folks who live outside of town. Our volunteer firefighters have been known to fly to villages throughout our region. Our ambulance personnel serve folks who live in communities up and down the coast. Our search and rescue volunteers have coordinated efforts with neighboring communities.
Volunteers, your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Your many hours of helping your neighbors are worthy of recognition. Your town and neighbors appreciate your efforts and give you thanks for pitching in and filling a need and also being role models for our youth. —N.L.M.—